巴西致力發展水產出口巴西總統Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva近日於每週電台秀中承諾,政府將致力推動以出口為導向之水產品業,成為提供人民價格低廉蛋白質的最佳管道,並期許巴西能成為水產出口國與最好的水產生產國。坐擁居酒屋8,500公里長的海岸線與佔世界上淡水總面積12%優勢的巴西,先天深具發展潛力。政府也正積極在北亞馬遜省收購與畜養魚,努力在2010年提高淡水魚產量。巴西農漁部長曾表示,政府已提撥75,000萬美元,作為協助漁業提高生產辦公室出租量與出口量之用。巴西今年因匯差走弱與來自中國、日本等國需求攀升,蝦、龍蝦與水產品的出口值,從去年的24,000萬美元,成長至50,000萬美元。巴西貨幣貶值,漁業獲利佳,也是積極尋找刺激需求的新買主與強化當地市場的住商房屋好時機。(摘譯自Worldfishing,April 2009)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Brazil to become major exporterBrazil's President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has signalled his 房屋買賣country's intention to become a player and major exporter in the fishing industry: "In some years, we will become great fish producers," Mr Lula said during his weekly radio show recently. Mr 有巢氏房屋Lula's remarks underscore the government's commitment to develop the seafood industry both as an export source but also as a means of supplying cheap protein for the population. With a coastline 買屋of 8,500km and 12% of the world's freshwater mass, Brazil definitely has the potential. The government is also pushing to purchase and stock fish in the province of Northern Amazonas in 2010 in a 買房子bid to boost freshwater fish production. Altemir Gregolin, agriculture and fisheries minister had previously said the government had set aside 1.75 million reais (US$750 million) to bolster the fishing 酒店工作sector and boost its production and exports. Exports of shrimp, lobster and fish may rise this year to about US$500 million from last year's US$240 million, helped by a weaker exchange rate for the 銀行利率reai and increased demand from countries such as China and Japan, he added. "We are taking advantage of the currency losses and also seeking new buyers to boost demand and increase the local market," Mr 個人信貸Gregolin was reported as saying.

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